PM Narendra Modi addressed the media before the commencement of the 1st session of the 18th Lok Sabha, calling it a proud and glorious day in parliamentary democracy. For the first time since independence, the oath ceremony will take place in the new Parliament. He welcomed and congratulated all newly elected MPs, emphasizing the critical opportunity to achieve new heights for India.
Fulfilling Resolutions of the Common Man
PM Modi underlined the formation of the new Parliament as a means to fulfill the resolutions of the common man and to accelerate progress. He highlighted the pride of conducting the world’s largest election, with over 65 crore voters participating. He expressed gratitude to the citizens for electing the government for a third consecutive term, reaffirming the government’s intentions and policies.
Importance of Consensus and Young Leadership
Emphasizing the need for consensus in governance, PM Modi highlighted the government’s efforts to serve the nation by achieving consensus and fulfilling the aspirations of 140 crore citizens. He expressed happiness over the number of young MPs in the 18th Lok Sabha, connecting the significance of the number 18 in Indian traditions to the new Parliament’s formation.
Commitment to Democracy and Public Welfare
PM Modi urged all MPs to use their opportunity for public welfare and service, emphasizing the role of the opposition in maintaining democracy’s dignity. He stressed the importance of substance over slogans and the collective responsibility of MPs to fulfill the resolve of a developed India. Modi concluded by encouraging MPs to work with utmost dedication to realize the dreams of common citizens.