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HomeSportsPM Modi Congratulates Anush Agarwala for Winning Bronze in Equestrian Dressage

PM Modi Congratulates Anush Agarwala for Winning Bronze in Equestrian Dressage

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has extended his heartfelt congratulations to Anush Agarwala for his outstanding achievement in the Equestrian Dressage Individual event at the Asian Games. Anush’s remarkable performance secured him the prestigious Bronze Medal.

In his message, PM Modi commended Anush Agarwala’s exceptional skill and unwavering dedication, which were instrumental in clinching the Bronze Medal. Anush’s achievement not only brings honor to himself but also to the nation, as he represents India on the international stage.

“The Prime Minister conveyed his best wishes to Anush Agarwala for all his upcoming endeavors. This achievement serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes and underscores the importance of hard work and perseverance in the pursuit of excellence in sports”.

“Anush Agarwala’s success in the Equestrian Dressage Individual event is a testament to his talent and commitment, and the nation looks forward to witnessing his continued achievements in the world of sports. His accomplishment shines as a beacon of hope and pride for the entire nation”.

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