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PM Modi expresses grief over the demise of MP and former Minister Ratan Lal Kataria.

  1. PM Modi expresses profound grief over the passing away of MP and former Minister Shri Rattan Lal Kataria Ji, acknowledging his rich contribution to public service and social justice.
  2. Rattan Lal Kataria played a key role in strengthening the BJP in Haryana, contributing to the party’s growth and success in the state.
  3. Rattan Lal Kataria dedicated his political career to public service and social justice, working towards empowering the marginalized and implementing welfare schemes for their upliftment.
  4. Prime Minister Modi extends heartfelt condolences to the family and supporters of Rattan Lal Kataria, recognizing the profound impact he had on the lives of the people he served.

On the 18th of May Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed deep sorrow over the demise of Member of Parliament and former Minister Shri Rattan Lal Kataria. The prime minister acknowledged his significant contributions to public service and social justice. Shri Rattan Lal Kataria Ji played a pivotal role in strengthening the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Haryana. PM Modi extended his condolences to the bereaved family and supporters during this difficult time.

Who was Rattan Lal Kataria?

Rattan Lal Kataria was a highly respected politician and a dedicated public servant. Born in Punjab, he dedicated his life to serving the people and worked tirelessly for their welfare. His journey in politics began with a firm commitment to bring about positive change in society. Rattan Lal Kataria’s remarkable dedication and leadership skills quickly earned him recognition within the BJP.

PM Modi’s Expressions of Grief

Prime Minister Modi expressed his profound grief upon learning about the passing away of Rattan Lal Kataria. In a heartfelt message, he recognized the immense contribution made by Rattan Lal Kataria to public service and social justice. PM Modi’s words resonated with the emotions of the nation as he highlighted the significant loss suffered by the BJP and the country as a whole.

Contributions to Public Service and Social Justice

Rattan Lal Kataria Ji dedicated his entire political career to public service and social justice. He believed in empowering the marginalized sections of society and ensuring equal opportunities for all. Through his diligent efforts, Rattan Lal Kataria played a pivotal role in implementing numerous welfare schemes and initiatives that aimed to uplift the underprivileged and address their concerns effectively.

Strengthening BJP in Haryana

Shri Rattan Lal Kataria Ji was an influential figure in the political landscape of Haryana. He played a key role in strengthening the BJP’s presence in the state, leading to significant electoral victories. His leadership qualities and unwavering commitment to the party’s ideology inspired many, helping the BJP gain prominence and expand its reach in Haryana. Rattan Lal Kataria Ji’s dedication and tireless efforts contributed to the party’s growth and success.

Condolences to the Family and Supporters

Prime Minister Modi extended his heartfelt condolences to the family and supporters of Rattan Lal Kataria. The prime minister recognized the immense loss suffered by his loved ones and acknowledged the profound impact Rattan Lal Kataria Ji had on the lives of the people he served. PM Modi’s empathetic words offered solace during this difficult time and provided a reminder of the nation’s gratitude for Shri Rattan Lal Kataria Ji’s selfless service.

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