Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared warm wishes with the nation on the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti, Uttarayan, and Magh Bihu. In separate posts on X (formerly Twitter), he highlighted the significance of these festivals, which mark the joy of harvest, unity, and positivity.
Wishes for Makar Sankranti
PM Modi extended his heartfelt greetings for Makar Sankranti, emphasizing the festival’s connection to the Sun’s northward journey and the renewal of energy and enthusiasm. His message read:
“Heartfelt greetings to all countrymen on Makar Sankranti. Dedicated to the Sun’s northward journey, may this holy festival bring new energy and enthusiasm to everyone’s lives.”
Joyful Uttarayan Wishes
In a separate post, the Prime Minister extended his best wishes for Uttarayan, a festival widely celebrated in Gujarat and other parts of India with kite flying and community gatherings. He shared:
“Wishing you a joyous Uttarayan! May this festival fill everyone’s lives with immense happiness and pave the way for success and prosperity.”
Best Wishes on Magh Bihu
Acknowledging the cultural diversity of India, PM Modi also conveyed his greetings to Magh Bihu, who was celebrated in Assam. Highlighting the themes of nature’s abundance, harvest joy, and togetherness, he wrote:
“Warm wishes on Magh Bihu! Let us celebrate nature’s abundance, the joy of the harvest, and the bond of togetherness. May this festival bring even more happiness & unity to all.”
PM Modi’s messages reflect the rich cultural tapestry of India and the importance of these festivals in fostering unity, joy, and positivity. As the nation celebrates Makar Sankranti, Uttarayan, and Magh Bihu, the Prime Minister’s heartfelt wishes serve as a reminder of the shared heritage and values that bind the country together.