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HomeBharat NewsPM Modi: Mission to eliminate sickle cell anemia by 2047

PM Modi: Mission to eliminate sickle cell anemia by 2047

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unveiled a transformative campaign aimed at combatting sickle cell anemia, a hereditary blood disorder that affects a considerable number of individuals, particularly among tribal populations. With a resolute determination, Modi has designated the elimination of this debilitating disease as the primary mission of Amrit Kaal. The Prime Minister envisions a united effort towards freeing both the tribals and the nation from the clutches of sickle cell anemia by India’s centenary of independence in 2047.

Addressing the Nation: A Pledge to Tackle Sickle Cell Anemia

Prime Minister Modi, in a powerful statement, declared that the eradication of sickle cell anemia will assume paramount importance as the central mission of Amrit Kaal. Amrit Kaal signifies a transformative era of rejuvenation and progress, and the commitment to address this genetic disorder demonstrates the government’s dedication to improving the health and well-being of the population, particularly those living in tribal regions.

A Vision for the Future: Liberating Tribals and the Nation

By designating the fight against sickle cell anemia as the primary mission of Amrit Kaal, Prime Minister Modi aims to liberate the tribal communities and the entire nation from the burden of this debilitating disease. Sickle cell anemia, characterized by abnormal red blood cells that can cause severe pain and other health complications, has disproportionately impacted tribal populations in India. Through this campaign, the government intends to bring about a positive transformation by providing comprehensive healthcare, awareness, and preventive measures that will significantly reduce the prevalence of sickle cell anemia among tribal communities.

Mission Mode: A Collective Effort

Prime Minister Modi expressed unwavering faith in the collective strength and determination of the nation to achieve the ambitious goal of eradicating sickle cell anemia. He emphasized that by India’s 100th year of independence in 2047, all citizens would work together in a mission mode to eliminate the disease from the tribal regions and the country as a whole. This mission-mode approach underscores the government’s commitment to mobilize resources, healthcare infrastructure, research, and community engagement to combat sickle cell anemia effectively.

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