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HomeOccasionCelebratingPM Modi Extols Healthcare Heroes on National Doctors' Day

PM Modi Extols Healthcare Heroes on National Doctors’ Day

Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended heartfelt greetings on National Doctors’ Day, acknowledging the extraordinary dedication and compassion of healthcare heroes. In his message, PM Modi emphasized the crucial role doctors play in navigating complex medical challenges with remarkable skill.

Honoring Healthcare Professionals:

National Doctors’ Day is observed to recognize the invaluable contributions of physicians in improving individual lives and strengthening communities. It serves as a tribute to their unwavering commitment and expertise in delivering healthcare services.

Government Commitment to Healthcare:

PM Modi reiterated the government’s steadfast commitment to enhancing India’s health infrastructure. He affirmed that efforts are underway to ensure doctors receive the widespread respect and support they deserve for their tireless service.

Celebrating Doctors’ Contributions:

Traditionally, National Doctors’ Day is marked by healthcare organizations honoring physicians through various gestures of appreciation. This includes organizing lunches, presenting tokens of recognition, and acknowledging their pivotal role in society.

Historical Significance:

Historically, the day has been marked by sending cards or red carnations to physicians and their families, as well as placing flowers on the graves of deceased doctors. These gestures symbolize gratitude and remembrance for their contributions to healthcare.

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