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HomeBharat NewsDark Days of Emergency: PM Modi Pays Tribute to Resistance Against Emergency

Dark Days of Emergency: PM Modi Pays Tribute to Resistance Against Emergency

PM Modi marked the day by paying homage to the men and women who bravely resisted the Emergency imposed in 1975. He emphasized the significance of remembering their sacrifices and the values they stood for during those trying times.

Dark Days of Emergency

PM Modi reflected on the “Dark Days Of Emergency,” highlighting how the Congress Party subverted basic freedoms and trampled over the Indian Constitution. He reminded the nation of the importance of protecting democratic values and liberties that are fundamental to India’s identity.

The Emergency Period

The Emergency in India spanned 21 months from 1975 to 1977, during which Prime Minister Indira Gandhi invoked a state of emergency nationwide. This period saw severe restrictions on civil liberties, censorship of the press, and imprisonment of political opponents, making it one of the most controversial times in Indian history.

Lessons from History

The Prime Minister urged the nation to learn from this dark chapter and remain vigilant in safeguarding democracy. He called for collective remembrance and respect for those who fought against the Emergency, ensuring that such an infringement on democratic rights never occurs again.

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