Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeOccasionAnniversaryPM Narendra Modi Pays Tribute to Quit India Movement Heroes

PM Narendra Modi Pays Tribute to Quit India Movement Heroes

Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid homage to the heroes of the Quit India Movement, acknowledging their pivotal role in India’s fight for independence under Mahatma Gandhi’s leadership. He shared a video on X, expressing his admiration for their sacrifices.

Quit India Movement: A Watershed Moment in History

The Quit India Movement, launched by Mahatma Gandhi on August 8, 1942, marked a significant turning point in India’s freedom struggle. Gandhi’s call to “Do or Die” resonated across the nation, leading to mass protests demanding an end to British rule.

British Response and Repression

Despite being at war, Britain responded to the movement with severe repression. The leadership of the Indian National Congress was swiftly imprisoned, and violent incidents occurred across the country as Indians rejected British authority. The movement underscored the ungovernability of India under colonial rule.

Legacy and Martyrs

The Quit India Movement left a lasting legacy, with numerous freedom fighters sacrificing their lives for the cause. The movement’s end in 1945 paved the way for India’s eventual independence, and its heroes are remembered as martyrs of the nation’s struggle for freedom.

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