In a heartfelt message, Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his gratitude to all the Rajya Sabha Members of Parliament who voted in favor of the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam. He hailed this historic moment as a pivotal juncture in India’s democratic journey and conveyed his congratulations to the 140 crore citizens of the country.
The Prime Minister emphasized that the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam is not just legislation; it is a profound tribute to the countless women who have played an integral role in shaping the nation. He underlined that this legislative achievement signifies a firm commitment to ensuring that the voices of women are heard more effectively and prominently in the country’s decision-making processes.
Prime Minister Modi took to his social media platform, expressing his sentiments with these words: “This marks a pivotal moment in our nation’s democratic journey! I extend my congratulations to all 1.4 billion Indians. I am deeply grateful to the Rajya Sabha MPs who cast their votes in support of the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam. The unanimous backing of this bill fills me with immense joy. The passage of the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam in Parliament heralds a new era, one where women in India will enjoy enhanced representation and empowerment. This legislation isn’t just a set of rules; it is a heartfelt tribute to the countless women who have played a vital role in our nation’s progress. The resilience and contributions of these women have enriched India. As we celebrate this momentous occasion today, we are reminded of the strength, courage, and unwavering spirit that all the women of our nation embody. This historic step underscores our commitment to ensuring that their voices resonate even more powerfully.”
The passage of the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam is indeed a significant milestone in India’s ongoing journey toward recognizing and honoring the vital role that women play in the nation’s development and progress. It reflects a collective commitment to empower and amplify the voices of women in India’s socio-political landscape.