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PM Modi to Visit Ukraine: Strengthening Ties and Seeking Peaceful Solutions

PM Modi to Visit Ukraine: Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced his upcoming visit to Ukraine at the invitation of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The visit aims to solidify the friendship between India and Ukraine further, building on previous discussions between the two leaders.

PM Modi to Visit Ukraine: Strengthening India-Ukraine Relations

During the visit, PM Modi and President Zelenskyy will engage in dialogue to enhance bilateral ties. The leaders will explore avenues for cooperation in various fields, reflecting the strong partnership between the two nations.

Focus on a Peaceful Resolution

A key agenda of PM Modi’s visit is to share perspectives on the peaceful resolution of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. India’s commitment to global peace and stability will be a central theme in discussions, highlighting India’s role as a responsible global partner.

PM Modi to Visit Ukraine: Hope for Peace and Stability

Expressing India’s hope for an early return of peace in Ukraine, PM Modi emphasized the importance of stability in the region. His visit underlines India’s support for diplomatic efforts aimed at ending the conflict and restoring normalcy.

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