Ayodhya is abuzz with fervor as the city celebrates the first anniversary of the historic ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony of the Ram Temple. The ceremony of Prana Pratishtha the idol of Ram Lalla was a historic event held on January 22, 2024, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi leading the main rituals. This year, the ceremony is being observed on January 11, 2025, aligned with the Hindu calendar’s Shukla Paksha.
Pran Pratishtha: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Extends Wishes
On this significant occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his heartfelt wishes to all citizens. He described the Ram Temple as a symbol of India’s rich culture and spirituality, built through centuries of sacrifice and struggle.
In a post on X, PM Narendra Modi wrote, “This temple, constructed after centuries of sacrifice, penance, and struggle, stands as a significant heritage of our culture and spirituality. I am confident that this magnificent Ram Temple will inspire the achievement of a developed India.”
Cultural Programs to Mark the Occasion
To honor the anniversary, numerous spiritual events and cultural programs have been organized at the Ram Temple premises. These celebrations serve as a reminder of the temple’s deep cultural and spiritual significance to the nation.
A Moment of National Pride
The first anniversary of the Ram Temple’s Pran Pratishtha stands as a milestone in India’s spiritual history, resonating with the aspirations of millions who regard the temple as a beacon of hope, faith, and heritage.