Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a heartwarming encounter with entrepreneur Nazim from Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir, during the Viksit Bharat Viksit Jammu Kashmir program. Upon Nazim’s request, the Prime Minister graciously posed for a selfie, capturing a moment of camaraderie and encouragement.
In a post on social media platform X, Prime Minister Modi expressed his admiration for Nazim’s commendable efforts, stating, “A memorable selfie with my friend Nazim. I was impressed by the good work he’s doing.” The Prime Minister further extended his best wishes for Nazim’s future endeavors, affirming his support and encouragement for the entrepreneurial spirit in Jammu & Kashmir.
The selfie moment symbolizes the Prime Minister’s engagement and encouragement of grassroots entrepreneurship, underscoring the government’s commitment to empowering individuals like Nazim to drive economic growth and prosperity in the region. It serves as a testament to the Prime Minister’s vision of a vibrant and self-reliant Jammu & Kashmir, where every individual’s potential is recognized and nurtured.