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HomeWorld NewsPrime Minister Narendra Modi Meets Grand Mufti of Egypt.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Meets Grand Mufti of Egypt.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi had a fruitful meeting with the Grand Mufti of Egypt, His Eminence Dr. Shawky Ibrahim Allam, during his State Visit to Egypt on 24th June 2023. The meeting served as a platform to reinforce the deep-rooted cultural ties between India and Egypt and discuss key issues related to social and religious harmony.

Meeting Highlights

During their meeting, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Grand Mufti of Egypt, His Eminence Dr. Shawky Ibrahim Allam, engaged in constructive dialogue and reflected upon the shared cultural heritage of India and Egypt. Here are the key highlights of their interaction:

Fond Recollection of Recent Visit

The Grand Mufti fondly recalled his recent visit to India and expressed his admiration for the warm reception he received. He emphasized the strong cultural connections and people-to-people relations that exist between the two nations. The visit served as a testament to the deep bond that unites India and Egypt beyond geographical boundaries.

Appreciation for Prime Minister’s Leadership

Dr/ Shawky Ibrahim Allam praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visionary leadership in fostering inclusivity and pluralism. The Grand Mufti acknowledged the Prime Minister’s efforts in promoting social harmony and religious tolerance, which play a pivotal role in maintaining peace and stability in diverse societies.

Discussions on Social and Religious Harmony

The meeting delved into crucial issues related to social and religious harmony in both India and Egypt. Prime Minister Modi and the Grand Mufti engaged in in-depth discussions on the importance of fostering dialogue, understanding, and mutual respect among different religious communities. They underscored the significance of countering extremism and radicalization through joint efforts, emphasizing the need for collaboration at various levels.

Centre of Excellence in IT

Prime Minister Narendra Modi conveyed India’s commitment to enhancing bilateral cooperation in the field of Information Technology (IT). In line with this, India expressed its intent to establish a Centre of Excellence in IT at the Dar-al-Ifta, under the Ministry of Social Justice of Egypt. This initiative aims to leverage technology and knowledge-sharing to address societal challenges and promote inclusive development.

The meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Grand Mufti of Egypt, His Eminence Dr. Shawky Ibrahim Allam, exemplified the shared commitment of India and Egypt towards strengthening cultural bonds, promoting social harmony, and countering extremism. The discussions underscored the importance of fostering inclusivity and pluralism in diverse societies, while the proposed Centre of Excellence in IT reflects the nation’s resolve to harness technology for the betterment of society. As India and Egypt continue to collaborate and exchange ideas, the meeting served as a significant step towards building a more interconnected and harmonious world.

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