Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will grace the occasion and deliver an address to the gathering. The National Creators Award seeks to acknowledge excellence and influence in diverse fields, ranging from storytelling and social advocacy to environmental sustainability and gaming. It serves as a platform to recognize the transformative power of creativity in fostering constructive societal change.
The inaugural edition of the National Creators Award has garnered remarkable public engagement. Over 1.5 lakh nominations were received across 20 categories, followed by approximately 10 lakh votes during the voting phase for digital creators in different award categories. This extensive public participation underscores the award’s alignment with the preferences of the people.
The award ceremony will feature presentations across twenty categories, including recognition for Best Storyteller, Disruptor of the Year, Celebrity Creator of the Year, Green Champion, Social Change Advocate, Agri Innovator, Cultural Ambassador, and more. It will also honor international creators for their global impact and contributions.