Actor-couple Prince Narula and Yuvika Chaudhary have shared the joyful news of their daughter’s name—Ikleen. The couple welcomed their little bundle of joy on October 19, 2024, and Prince Narula revealed her name on New Year’s Day through a heartwarming post on Instagram.
A Heartfelt New Year’s Announcement
In his Instagram post, Prince shared a series of adorable pictures with his newborn daughter, writing, “You are my Christmas, my New Year, my world, my little princess Ikleen.”
The photos captured Prince tenderly holding and kissing his daughter, dressed in an adorable Minnie Mouse outfit, while he wore a black sleeveless t-shirt.
A Journey to Parenthood Through IVF
Yuvika Chaudhary and Prince Narula embraced parenthood through IVF, marking a new chapter in their lives. The couple, both thrilled and emotional, shared a tender moment as they gazed lovingly at their daughter in a recent photo.
Though their baby’s face was hidden with a baby emoji, the accompanying red heart, and evil eye emojis symbolized their love and protective instincts for little Ikleen.
The couple’s fans and followers flooded the post with love and blessings for their new arrival, celebrating this beautiful milestone.