The beloved duo from “Bigg Boss 16” and “Udaariyaan,” Priyanka Chahar Choudhary, and Ankit Gupta, continue to capture hearts, especially among their dedicated fanbase known as #PriyaNkit. Responding to fans’ requests for more content, the duo surprised everyone with a heartwarming Diwali reel.
Priyanka and Ankit Gupta’s latest reel for fans
In this special reel, Priyanka and Ankit, adorned in traditional attire, showcased their on-screen chemistry in a romantic Punjabi song. The couple lip-synced and danced, providing their fans with delightful glimpses and setting major couple goals for the #PriyaNkit enthusiasts.
Priyanka and Ankit Gupta’s bond:
The bond between Priyanka Chahar Choudhary and Ankit Gupta blossomed on the sets of “Udaariyaan,” where they played the roles of Fateh and Tejo. Their on-screen chemistry resonated with viewers, leading to the creation of their YouTube vlogs. Through these vlogs, fans had the chance to witness the duo’s offscreen camaraderie, deepening the audience’s affection for the charming pair.