Pushkar Singh Dhami, the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, graced the inauguration program of the newly built library and the assembly’s new website. This significant event marks a milestone in the state’s commitment to modernizing its legislative infrastructure and promoting access to knowledge and information.
The inauguration program was a momentous occasion, with dignitaries, lawmakers, and officials in attendance. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami expressed his delight at the completion of the new library, emphasizing its importance in fostering intellectual growth, research, and a culture of learning among legislators and the public.
The newly built library is set to become a hub of knowledge and a valuable resource center for lawmakers, researchers, and anyone seeking information related to governance and legislative affairs. Equipped with a vast collection of books, journals, and digital resources, the library will serve as a repository of valuable information and promote informed decision-making among policymakers.
In addition to the library, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami unveiled the assembly’s new website, which aims to enhance transparency and accessibility. The website will provide a platform for citizens to access legislative documents, track bills, and resolutions, and stay informed about the proceedings of the assembly. It represents a significant step forward in utilizing technology to facilitate public participation and create a more inclusive and accountable governance system.
The inauguration of the library and the assembly’s new website reflects the government’s commitment to advancing education, knowledge dissemination, and transparency in governance. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami reiterated the importance of embracing technology and harnessing its potential to serve the people more efficiently and effectively.