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HomeWorld NewsASIAPutin's Historic Visit to North Korea Strengthens Russo-North Korean Ties

Putin’s Historic Visit to North Korea Strengthens Russo-North Korean Ties

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea underscores efforts to deepen economic ties and strategic partnerships amid global sanctions and geopolitical challenges, reflecting shared interests in sovereignty and multipolar diplomacy.

Putin Arrives in Pyongyang

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea early on Wednesday, marking his first visit to the reclusive nation in 24 years. He was warmly greeted by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at Pyongyang’s airport, where the two leaders embraced and shared a symbolic handshake.

Historic Meeting and Unity

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un engaged in a historic meeting, underscoring the enduring friendship and unity between Russia and North Korea. The Korean Central News Agency described the event as pivotal, highlighting the nations’ solidarity in the face of global challenges.

Strengthening Economic and Political Ties

During his visit, Vladimir Putin emphasized the expansion of economic cooperation, including trade and payment systems independent of Western control. He reaffirmed joint opposition to sanctions imposed by the West, emphasizing mutual interests in fostering a multipolar world order based on sovereignty and justice.

Strategic Partnerships and Document Signing

Accompanied by top officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrurov and Defense Minister Andrei Belousov, Vladimir Putin aims to bolster strategic partnerships with North Korea. Several agreements are expected to be signed, potentially including initiatives in tourism, culture, and education, further solidifying bilateral relations.

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