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Rajnath Singh Addresses the Inauguration Session of a Seminar on ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’

Last updated on January 25th, 2024 at 02:04 pm

On the 17th of June Rajnath Singh, the esteemed Defense Minister of India, delivered a compelling address at the inauguration session of a seminar on ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ held in Lucknow. The seminar aimed to shed light on the concept of self-reliance and its significance in the face of India’s current challenges. During his speech, Rajnath Singh emphasized the crucial need for self-reliance as India confronts a double border threat and new dimensions of warfare.

Border Threats and the Need for Self-Reliance

Rajnath Singh commenced his speech by highlighting the double border threat faced by India. The country finds itself dealing with significant challenges along both its western and northern borders. In such a scenario, self-reliance becomes a necessity rather than a choice. Singh emphasized the importance of reducing dependence on external sources for defense equipment and technologies.

Strengthening the Defense Industry

The Defense Minister expressed his firm belief in India’s potential to become a global powerhouse in defense manufacturing. He stressed the need for collaborative efforts between the government, private sector, and research institutions to bolster the indigenous production of defense equipment. By nurturing the domestic defense industry, India can not only enhance its self-reliance but also boost its economy through job creation and technology development.

Addressing New Dimensions of Warfare

Singh drew attention to the evolving nature of warfare and the emergence of new dimensions that require a proactive approach. He acknowledged the advent of cyber warfare, hybrid warfare, and asymmetrical threats, which demand comprehensive strategies and advanced technologies. The Defense Minister highlighted the importance of innovation and adaptation to stay ahead in this dynamic landscape.

Aatmanirbhar Bharat and Defense Preparedness

Rajnath Singh connected the concept of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ (self-reliant India) to the country’s defense preparedness. He emphasized that self-reliance is not just limited to economic aspects but extends to the defense sector as well. A strong defense capability is crucial for safeguarding national security and maintaining peace within the region. By harnessing its own resources and expertise, India can effectively respond to security challenges.

Collaboration with Friendly Nations

While emphasizing self-reliance, Rajnath Singh also acknowledged the importance of collaborations with friendly nations. He highlighted the significance of strategic partnerships and defense agreements to enhance India’s defense capabilities. The Defense Minister expressed India’s commitment to maintaining strong ties with allies while ensuring the country’s sovereign interests remain protected.

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