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Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh Addresses UPSC Candidates in Lucknow.

Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh addressed a gathering of successful candidates for the UPSC Civil Services Exam in an event held in Lucknow on June 18, 2023. During his speech, he emphasized that India’s stature in the international forum has significantly risen over the past nine years. Singh highlighted how the world now pays careful attention to India, demonstrating the country’s growing global influence. Under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the dream of a developed India is steadily becoming a reality.

Rajnath Singh’s Address

Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh’s speech at the gathering of successful UPSC Civil Services Exam candidates in Lucknow highlighted the growing international recognition of India. Singh addressed the audience, stressing that India’s position in the global arena has risen significantly over the past nine years. He attributed this achievement to the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and emphasized that the idea of a developed India is transitioning from a mere dream to a tangible reality.

India’s Enhanced Global Stature

Rajnath Singh emphasized that India’s stature in the international community has experienced a remarkable rise. He pointed out that even superpowers like the United States now diligently prepare to welcome and host India’s Prime Minister, showcasing the growing significance and influence of the nation. Singh highlighted how foreign media has increasingly focused on India’s success story, further amplifying the country’s global standing. The international community now pays closer attention to India’s perspectives, contributions, and achievements.

PM Modi’s Vision of a Developed India

The Raksha Mantri reiterated Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of a developed India by 2047. Singh emphasized that young civil servants play a vital role in transforming this vision into reality. He reminded the candidates of the significant responsibility on their shoulders, as they are entering the service at a crucial juncture. By the time their term ends in 2047, India will be celebrating its 100th year of independence. Rajnath Singh encouraged the civil servants to prepare themselves for the upcoming challenges and work together to lead India on the path of becoming a developed nation.

The Role of Civil Servants in Nation-Building

Rajnath Singh highlighted the critical role of civil servants in nation-building. He urged them to earn the trust of the people by living up to their expectations and aspirations. By actively engaging with the public and proactively addressing their concerns, civil servants can enhance people’s trust in the government and strengthen democracy. Singh emphasized the importance of connecting with the citizens and considering their viewpoints, as the representatives of the people are the true voices of their aspirations in a democracy.

Trust, Engagement, and Responsibility

The Raksha Mantri denounced the culture of undue political interference in local administration but stressed the significance of guidance from the people’s representatives. Singh emphasized the importance of closely working with public representatives and carefully considering the issues raised by them. He encouraged civil servants to view their responsibilities from a holistic perspective, keeping the welfare of the last person in society in mind while making decisions. Singh highlighted the philosophy of trusteeship, inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s Talisman, as a guiding principle for serving the people.

Admiring Women’s Empowerment and Achievement

Rajnath Singh commended the remarkable performance of women in the civil services exam in recent years. He proudly acknowledged that girls occupied the top three positions, with 14 girls among the top 25 candidates. Singh emphasized that this achievement reflects the changing face of India, showcasing the empowerment and potential of women. He praised the exceptional accomplishments of daughters who have consistently brought laurels to the nation whenever given the opportunity.

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