Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeBharat NewsTamil NaduRiver Kodaiyar in Tamil Nadu Reaches Severe Situation, Exceeds Danger Level.

River Kodaiyar in Tamil Nadu Reaches Severe Situation, Exceeds Danger Level.

In a significant development, the Central Water Commission has issued an official flood forecast, raising concerns about the current situation of the Kodaiyar River in Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu. The river is currently experiencing a severe situation, with water levels rising to 12.18 meters. This level exceeds the danger level of 12.0 meters, posing a significant risk to the region.

Rising Water Levels in Kodaiyar River

The latest update from the Central Water Commission indicates that the Kodaiyar River at Thiruvarambu in Kanyakumari district is in a severe situation. The river’s water level has risen to 12.18 meters, which is a cause for alarm as it exceeds the established danger level of 12.0 meters.

This rise in water levels presents an imminent threat to the surrounding areas, with the potential for flooding, property damage, and disruptions to the daily lives of residents in the region.

Importance of Timely Warnings

Flood forecasts and timely warnings issued by authorities like the Central Water Commission are crucial for preparing and mitigating the impact of severe weather events. They provide essential information that allows communities to take preventive measures, evacuate when necessary, and safeguard lives and property.

Residents in and around the Kodaiyar River in Kanyakumari district are urged to stay updated on the situation, follow safety guidelines, and cooperate with local authorities. The Central Water Commission’s warnings are a crucial tool in managing and minimizing the risks associated with severe flooding, and they should be taken seriously to ensure the safety and well-being of all affected communities.

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