Rockstar Games has, at last, unveiled the long-awaited trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6, setting the gaming world ablaze with excitement. The trailer, a culmination of eager anticipation, has been released on various platforms, including the social media giant X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube.
The GTA 6 trailer serves as a confirmation of numerous leaked reports surrounding the game. According to Rockstar Games, the title is slated to hit PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X and Series S by the year 2025. However, the release date for computer users remains undisclosed.
Responding to the news of the leaked trailer, Rockstar Games took to its official X platform to address the situation, stating, “Our trailer has been leaked. In such a situation, please watch the original trailer on YouTube.” This acknowledgment from the gaming giant only intensified the excitement among fans eager to catch a glimpse of what GTA 6 has in store.
Grand Theft Auto 6 Trailer:
As the buzz surrounding Grand Theft Auto 6 continues to grow, gaming enthusiasts are now eagerly awaiting further details, including the release date for PC users and additional insights into the much-anticipated gameplay. The arrival of the official trailer marks a significant milestone in the journey toward the next installment of this iconic gaming series.