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HomeBharat NewsS. Jayshankar Pleased to Receive High Commissioner Md. Mustafizur Rahman of Bangladesh.

S. Jayshankar Pleased to Receive High Commissioner Md. Mustafizur Rahman of Bangladesh.

On 25th of May S. Jayshankar, the Minister of External Affairs of India, expressed his pleasure upon receiving the esteemed High Commissioner Md. Mustafizur Rahman of Bangladesh this afternoon. The meeting served as an opportunity to strengthen the bilateral ties between the two neighboring countries and discuss various avenues for further deepening the India-Bangladesh friendship, commonly known as “Maitri.”

During the meeting, High Commissioner Rahman extended his appreciation to Minister Jayshankar for the successful organization of the 6th Indian Ocean Conference, which was held in Dhaka. The conference, a platform for discourse on matters pertaining to the Indian Ocean region, witnessed fruitful deliberations among leaders and experts from various nations. The High Commissioner commended the efforts put forth by India in hosting such an important event, which facilitated valuable discussions on regional cooperation and security.

The discussions between Minister Jayshankar and High Commissioner Rahman revolved around exploring new means to strengthen the existing ties between India and Bangladesh. Recognizing the shared history, culture, and aspirations of the two nations, both leaders expressed their commitment to further enhance cooperation across various domains, including trade, security, connectivity, and people-to-people exchanges.

The importance of maintaining peace and stability in the region was emphasized, as it serves as a prerequisite for economic growth and development. Minister Jayshankar reaffirmed India’s support for Bangladesh’s progress and expressed India’s willins “Maitri.”gness to contribute to its neighbor’s continued success. The Minister also acknowledged Bangladesh’s remarkable achievements in recent years, particularly in areas such as economic growth, poverty alleviation, and social development.

“The meeting also provided an opportunity for both sides to discuss ongoing and future collaborative initiatives. The leaders emphasized the significance of mutual trust, understanding, and respect in fostering strong bilateral relations. They highlighted the need to work closely on issues of mutual interest, including cross-border trade facilitation, infrastructure development, energy cooperation, and joint efforts in combatting transnational challenges such as terrorism and climate change”.

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