South Indian actress Sai Pallavi marked the three-month anniversary of her sister Pooja Kannan’s wedding to Vineeth Sivakumar with a heartfelt tribute on Instagram. The wedding, held in September, was a beautiful Badaga ceremony in the serene hills of Ooty, blending tradition and joy.
An Emotional Caption
Sharing a series of touching photos and videos from the wedding, Sai Pallavi expressed her emotions. Sai shared, “I never imagined my sister’s wedding would mark a new chapter in my life! I saw everyone at the ceremony shed tears, shower blessings, and dance with joy. … Three months later, I feel more certain than ever that this was perfect.”
Unforgettable Moments Captured
The shared images featured Pooja looking radiant in a simple white sari as she exchanged garlands with Vineeth. The couple’s respectful gesture of touching their grandparents’ feet, along with candid moments of joy among family and friends, painted a vivid picture of a memorable celebration.
Sai Pallavi Steals the Spotlight
In another post, Sai playfully shifted focus, captioning it, “Now let’s focus on the eligible bachelorette AKA the sister of the bride.” Sai dazzled in both a white sari with a pearl necklace and a vibrant red sari during rituals, exuding grace as she applied haldi on Vineeth’s forehead.
A Bond Beyond Words
Sai’s heartfelt tribute and the shared memories highlight the deep bond between the sisters, making the occasion not just a celebration of marriage but of family and love.