Sara Ali Khan, known for her close bond with her family, celebrated the New Year with a heartwarming dinner alongside her mother, Amrita Singh. The actress took to Instagram Stories to share selfies from their cozy gathering, captioning the post, “First dinner of the year with Mommy Jaan.”
Stylish Yet Simple Moments
In the pictures, Sara radiates charm in a green and black printed outfit, her hair neatly tied up, and minimal earrings enhancing her look. Amrita Singh, on the other hand, exuded elegance in a multi-colored shirt, embracing a natural, no-makeup appearance. The photos captured the love and warmth the mother-daughter duo shares, leaving fans in awe.
A Glimpse Into Sara’s Family Life
This isn’t the first time Sara has shared glimpses of her close-knit family moments. Raised by her mother after Amrita Singh and Saif Ali Khan’s divorce, Sara often highlights her bond with Amrita through heartfelt posts.
An Inspiring Relationship
As 2025 begins, Sara’s intimate family moments remind fans of the importance of cherishing loved ones. The dinner with her “Mommy Jaan” sets a beautiful tone for the year ahead.