Sara Ali Khan, one of Bollywood’s most admired young actors, recently shared a glimpse of her spiritual journey at the Srisailam Mallikarjun Jyotirling Temple in Andhra Pradesh. Known for her candid personality and unfiltered opinions, Sara continues to inspire fans with her devotion and simplicity.
Sara Ali Khan Shares Stunning Pictures
On the first Monday of the New Year 2025, Sara took to Instagram to post stunning pictures from her temple visit. Dressed in an elegant white traditional outfit, the actress was seen offering prayers and participating in rituals. Her caption, “Sara ke saal ka pehla somvaar, Jai Bholenaath,” resonated with fans, who showered her with love and appreciation.
The visit holds special significance as the Srisailam Mallikarjun Jyotirling is one of the 12 sacred shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva. Sara chose this auspicious day to seek blessings, coinciding with the trailer release of her upcoming film, Sky Force.
The serene nighttime pictures captured Sara’s reverence and the beauty of the ancient temple. This is not the first time Sara has shared moments from her spiritual journeys; she often visits holy sites and inspires fans to embrace faith and simplicity.
As Sara begins the year with prayers and positivity, fans eagerly await her performance in Sky Force, set to hit the screens soon. Her combination of talent, charm, and devotion continues to make her one of Bollywood’s most relatable stars.