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HomeWorld NewsSecurity Operatives Prepare For Real-Life Scenarios In Terror-Related Exercise.

Security Operatives Prepare For Real-Life Scenarios In Terror-Related Exercise.

A group of SIA-licensed security operatives working at Atik, Windsor recently participated in a series of terror-related exercises designed to test their responses. The exercises were conducted in partnership with Thames Valley Police, Royal Berkshire Fire, and Rescue Service, licensing officers from the Royal Borough of Windsor and Eton, and volunteers from the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry. Scenarios of a mass casualty knife attack, a suspect package, and a lock-in due to an attack outside the venue were simulated.

The exercises were conducted in the realistic setting of a nightclub with actors on the dancefloor performing the scenarios. After each incident, the security operatives were debriefed by specialist teams from counter-terror police and each of the emergency services. The exercises form a practical application of the ACT Security e-learning module, which is a counter-terrorism training requirement for security operatives.

John Sandlin, the SIA’s Senior Manager, Compliance and Inspections, praised the exercises, stating that they were an excellent way of preparing security operatives for challenges that they may face in real life. The staged terror incidents enabled security operatives to face difficult incidents in a controlled way and put their training to good use. Sandlin emphasized that if one of these operatives finds themselves in the position of being the first responder at an incident, these exercises could save lives.

The simulated mass casualty event helps security professionals to work as a team to protect as many people as possible and tend to victims. Sandlin expressed his gratitude to the management of Atik, Windsor for hosting the Windsor edition of Exercise Operation Sentry. He also noted that this exercise follows on from previous exercises staged in other parts of the UK, and the SIA shares the immediate learning and observations from Operation Sentry drills with those security providers, operatives, and places of presence in case of an incident.

The recent terror-related exercises conducted at Atik, Windsor are a testament to the SIA’s commitment to ensuring that security operatives are well-prepared to handle any situation that may arise. The exercises were conducted in a realistic setting, and the security operatives were debriefed by specialist teams from the emergency services. These exercises could prove invaluable if one of these operatives finds themselves in the position of being the first responder at an incident.

Source: Gov[Dot]UK

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