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HomeWorld NewsSellafield Employee Recognized in King's Birthday Honours for Covid-19 Response.

Sellafield Employee Recognized in King’s Birthday Honours for Covid-19 Response.

Lynn Willis, an employee of Sellafield for over three decades, has been honored in the King’s Birthday Honours for her exceptional contributions during the challenging period of the Covid-19 pandemic. Her leadership and dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of Sellafield employees and the broader community have been recognized as instrumental.

Lynn Willis: A Dedicated Sellafield Employee:

Lynn Willis has been an integral part of the Sellafield team for 33 years, serving in various roles throughout her career. Her commitment and expertise have made her a valued member of the organization, demonstrating a strong work ethic and a passion for supporting her colleagues and the community.

Heading the On-Site Test and Trace Facility:

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Lynn Willis led the team responsible for operating the on-site test and trace facility at Sellafield. This facility, the first non-NHS Covid-19 testing center in the UK, played a crucial role in identifying and containing potential virus outbreaks. Lynn’s leadership ensured the smooth and efficient operation of the facility, providing testing services for employees, their families, and supply chain workers.

Ensuring Safety and Security during the Pandemic:

The on-site test and trace facility established under Lynn’s guidance proved vital in protecting Sellafield workers and the wider community. By promptly identifying and isolating Covid-19 cases, the facility helped maintain safe and secure operations at the nuclear facility throughout the pandemic. Lynn’s efforts contributed significantly to mitigating the risks posed by the virus and ensuring the continued operation of Sellafield.

Contribution to Enhanced Site Security Arrangements:

Lynn Willis had previously played a pivotal role in improving site security arrangements at Sellafield. She spearheaded the implementation of changes that allowed the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) to focus more on counterterrorism measures. These changes involved the establishment of a 2012 contract with a civilian security organization to conduct security checks at site entrance points, relieving the burden on the CNC.

Humble Recognition and Shared Success:

Upon receiving the honor, Lynn Willis expressed her gratitude and humility. She acknowledged the surprise and joy she felt, particularly as the recognition coincided with the historical significance of the King’s list. Lynn credited her success to the collective efforts of the team she worked with, emphasizing that their achievements were a result of collaboration and support from colleagues.

Sellafield CEO Martin Chown’s Commendation:

Sellafield CEO Martin Chown extended his heartfelt congratulations to Lynn Willis for the well-deserved recognition. He personally witnessed the dedication and diligence of the test and trace facility team, noting their unwavering commitment to keeping the virus at bay. Chown also emphasized that Lynn’s contributions to ensuring safety and security at Sellafield were representative of the broader efforts of all nuclear professionals working at the facility.

Source: Gov[Dot]UK

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