Legendary Bollywood actress Shabana Azmi and renowned lyricist Javed Akhtar are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary today, marking four decades of love, companionship, and shared memories. To celebrate this special milestone, Shabana took to social media, sharing an adorable picture that has melted hearts across the internet.
Shabana Azmi Shares a Heartwarming Picture on Instagram
On Monday, Shabana Azmi posted a beautiful photograph on her Instagram, offering a glimpse into their timeless bond. The image shows Shabana in a stunning pink suit, paired with a matching dupatta, and a delicate flower tucked into her hair.
Javed Akhtar, on the other hand, looks dashing in a crisp white shirt and jacket, exuding elegance and charm. The chemistry between the couple shines through, reflecting their enduring love.
A Sweet Message for Javed Akhtar
Accompanying the heartwarming picture, Shabana shared a heartfelt message for her husband. She wrote, “It’s 40 years today since we got married, and he still makes me laugh.” The simple yet profound post beautifully captures the essence of their relationship—full of love, humor, and mutual respect.
Shabana and Javed’s relationship has always been an inspiration for many, and their enduring love continues to set couple goals for fans around the world. Their journey together is a testament to the beauty of love and companionship that lasts through the years.