Shraddha Kapoor, currently basking in the success of Stree 2, is gearing up for her next big project, the ambitious Nagin. After the box-office triumph of her recent release, fans eagerly awaited news of her next venture. Filmmaker Nikhil Dwivedi recently provided an exciting update that has ignited curiosity among Shraddha’s admirers.
Nagin: A Unique Concept
Dwivedi, who has taken the reins of this unique cinematic venture, revealed that the Nagin script is now ready. Sharing a glimpse of the screenplay on social media, he confirmed Shraddha Kapoor as the lead, portraying a shape-shifting serpent.
This bold and imaginative project promises a blend of mythology and modern storytelling, marking a first for Bollywood.
Shraddha Kapoor: The Perfect Fit
According to Nikhil Dwivedi, Shraddha was his first and only choice for the role. “She was excited. Shraddha was the first one to come on board,” he shared. Shraddha’s enthusiasm and commitment to the project underline her passion for exploring diverse roles, making her an ideal choice for this unique character.
What’s Next?
The team is set to begin filming next year, further building anticipation for this groundbreaking trilogy. As fans eagerly await more updates, Shraddha Kapoor’s Nagin is poised to deliver a cinematic experience that blends fantasy, emotion, and visual grandeur.