Shraddha Kapoor, a beloved Bollywood actress, often delights her massive Instagram following with fun moments and snippets from her daily life. Recently, she took to her Instagram handle to share her joy of relishing homemade food after two weeks. Posting a photo of her meal, Shraddha wrote, “2 hafte baad ghar ka khaana kitna miss kiya ye samjhaau ki chup chaap khaau ???”
In other exciting news, Shraddha Kapoor is gearing up for the highly anticipated release of “Stree 2.” The film’s trailer is set to drop today, promising fans a thrilling preview. In this sequel, Shraddha will be seen sharing the screen with Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurana, and Abhishek Banerjee.
“Stree 2” began filming last year in July in Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh, the same town where the first installment of the horror-comedy franchise was set. The original “Stree,” released in 2018, received critical acclaim and was a commercial success. Its music, including hits like “Milegi Milegi” and “Aao Kabhi Haveli Pe,” became chartbusters, with Nora Fatehi’s performance in “Kamariya” particularly memorable.
Directed by Amar Kaushik and produced by Dinesh Vijan’s Maddock Films, “Stree 2” is part of a larger horror-comedy universe that includes films like “Roohi” and “Bhediya.” Fans can look forward to its theatrical release on August 15, 2024.