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HomeEntertainmentMoviesSonu Sood's Directorial Venture: 'Fateh' Teaser Out Now

Sonu Sood’s Directorial Venture: ‘Fateh’ Teaser Out Now

Actor Sonu Sood ventures into directing with his maiden project, the action-packed thriller “Fateh.” Sood not only helms the directorial reins but also takes on the lead role in the film, adding another dimension to his versatile career. The teaser for “Fateh” has been unveiled, offering audiences a glimpse into the high-octane world crafted by Sood.

Produced by Zee Studios and Sonali Sood, the film boasts the presence of Bollywood diva Jacqueline Fernandez alongside Sood. Set for release in 2024, “Fateh” promises an adrenaline-fueled cinematic experience that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

Sood’s foray into directing reflects his creative ambition and determination to explore new horizons within the film industry. With his proven track record as an actor and now as a director, expectations are high for “Fateh” to deliver a compelling narrative coupled with gripping action sequences.

As anticipation mounts, fans eagerly await further glimpses into the world of “Fateh” and eagerly anticipate its release. With Sood’s directorial vision and the star power of Fernandez, “Fateh” is poised to make a significant impact on the silver screen upon its arrival in theaters.

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