Starting from 11th February 2023, viewers can now experience the rich history of India’s freedom struggle with the mega show, “Swaraj – Bharat Ke Swatantrata Sangram Ki Samagra Gatha”. DD National will telecast the show in binge-watch mode, airing back-to-back episodes on Saturday and Sunday starting from 1 PM onwards.
On 5th August 2022, Union Minister for Home & Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah, launched a serial featuring several lesser-known heroes of India’s freedom struggle, highlighting the sacrifices and struggles of the country’s independence journey from the 15th century onwards. The show was well-received and broadcast in Hindi on DD National and subsequently in nine regional languages.
The show, which comprises 75 episodes, has been a part of DD National’s Sunday morning and evening lineup and is repeated on other days throughout the week. The audio version is also broadcast on the All India Radio network, allowing viewers to experience the show’s rich content and historical significance.
For those who missed out on the serial’s telecast, this weekend’s binge-watch mode is the perfect opportunity to catch up on the show’s depiction of India’s glorious history. So, get ready to relive India’s freedom struggle with “Swaraj” on DD National this Saturday and Sunday, starting from 1 PM onwards.