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HomeEntertainmentMoviesThe 10 Hilarious Comedy Films To See Before You Die

The 10 Hilarious Comedy Films To See Before You Die

Last updated on July 26th, 2024 at 05:28 pm

A list of comedy films that are worth watching before you die. The article lists a couple of older films that many people might not know of and some more recent ones you might have already seen.


“Aristocrats” is a new comedy film released in the UK that was downloaded onto 10,000 screens globally. It tells the story of an American family who inherit massive wealth and goes on a journey to find out why they are so rich. The Aristocrats uses satire to explore not only relationships but also the dangers of capitalism.


Knucklehead is a 1977 black comedy film directed by and starring Burt Reynolds. The film was written by Reynolds and Dean Riesner, produced by Hal C. Reisman, and is widely regarded as one of the best films released in the 1970s, with a top 100 list ranking at number 36 in the American Film Institute’s list of the “100 Funniest American Movies”.

Duck Soup

“Duck Soup” is known as one of the funniest films ever made. It’s a satirical comedy and contains some of the most quotable lines in all of cinema. If you’ve never seen “Duck Soup”, it’s worth your time to watch it.

Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot is a film about two men who dress up as women to escape from gangsters and end up in an all-girl band. This hilarious comedy has it all, and is definitely worth the watch before you die!

The Producers

The Producers was released in 1968 and it is among the 10 films that anyone who loves comedy should see before they die. This film is a parody of The Sound of Music and stars Zero Mostel who plays a theatrical producer named Max Bialystock. It follows him as he tries to get investors for his new Broadway show, “The Fiddler on the Roof.”

Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot is an American romantic comedy released in 1959. Directed by Billy Wilder, it stars Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe. This film has won six Academy Awards, including “Best Picture”.


The film tells the story of Charlie Chaplin and silent movie star Eugene O’Neill, who have a rivalry that leads to a physical conflict. It’s told mostly in flashback. Unfortunately, the end result is tragic: Charlie dies due to complications from pneumonia, while Eugene struggles with alcoholism and mental decline.

High Anxiety

If you’re looking for some laughs and need something to watch, try a comedy. There are so many hilarious movies out there. Use this list of comedies that everyone should see before they die to find your next favorite movie.

Night At The Opera

The Night At The Opera is a hilarious comedy film starring Gene Kelly, Joan Collins and the score to Rebecca by Irving Berlin. It’s one of those films that has all the musical everything from beginning to end, and it is something that you should not miss this list.


Zoolander is one of the funniest comedies ever filmed. It was a big hit in the 1990s, and it’s still popular because it has not lost any of its appeal since then. Zoolander is also what every comedy fan must see before they die.

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