Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeWorld NewsThe UK Boosts Yemen's Food Security With New Support Initiative.

The UK Boosts Yemen’s Food Security With New Support Initiative.

The UK government has announced a new package of food security support for Yemen, aimed at directly supporting up to 40,000 people per month. The support is part of a government-NGO partnership called the BRIGHTLY consortium, which will work with local and international NGOs to deliver the program. The partnership will have Yemenis at the heart of decision-making and will harness the expertise and access NGOs can provide.

The announcement follows a visit by Minister for Development Andrew Mitchell to Jordan, where he signed the agreement launching the consortium. During the visit, he also saw first-hand the continuing impact of the conflict in Syria and reinforced the strength of the bilateral partnership with Prime Minister Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh.

The new support for Yemen comes at a critical time, as the World Food Programme noted in December that Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Yemen by pushing up food prices. The announcement of new support is in addition to the aid that the UK government is already providing to Yemen, which is helping to feed 200,000 people every month, provide lifesaving healthcare for 800,000 women and children, and treat 85,000 severely malnourished children.

The BRIGHTLY consortium, made up of NGOs, will provide cash transfers to up to 40,000 Yemenis per month. The simultaneous provision of cash and livelihood support has proven to be an effective approach to building resilience and empowering households to escape poverty.

In Saudi Arabia, Minister Mitchell gave a keynote speech at the Riyadh Development Forum, in which he made the case for ‘anticipatory action’ to mitigate the impacts of humanitarian crises on the most vulnerable and reduce humanitarian needs before they happen. In Turkey, he saw first-hand the impact of UK support to Turkey and Syria in the aftermath of the earthquake earlier this month.

The announcement of new support for Yemen is a clear indication of the UK government’s commitment to addressing the humanitarian crisis in the country. It also highlights the importance of government-NGO partnerships in delivering effective aid and support to those in need. With the BRIGHTLY consortium, the UK government is taking a collaborative approach that puts Yemenis at the heart of decision-making and harnesses the expertise and access that NGOs can provide. This approach has the potential to make a significant difference in alleviating hunger and poverty in Yemen.

Source: Gov[Dot]UK

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