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HomeEntertainmentOffbeatTragic Stunt Attempt by School Girls Goes Viral

Tragic Stunt Attempt by School Girls Goes Viral

Recently, a tragic incident unfolded when two School Girls attempted a dangerous stunt on a highway, leading to fatal consequences.

The video, initially shared on Instagram by @shalugymnast, captures the moment where one girl attempted a backflip while standing on the other’s shoulders, resulting in a fatal fall onto the road.

School Girls’ Tragic Viral Video

Since its upload, the video has gone viral, amassing over 61.5 million views and 1.76 million likes on Instagram. This incident highlights the risks individuals take in pursuit of online attention, often without assessing the potential dangers.

Social Media Impact and Safety Awareness

The incident serves as a clear reminder of the dangers involved in attempting stunts solely for the sake of gaining online attention. It underscores the need for responsible behavior online and offline, emphasizing safety over viral fame.

Authorities and online platforms continue to stress the importance of promoting safe content creation and discouraging risky behaviors on social media platforms.

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