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HomeWorld NewsUK Government Boosts Space Tech With £6.5M Funding.

UK Government Boosts Space Tech With £6.5M Funding.

The UK government has announced £6.5 million in funding for space technology projects aimed at boosting local economies and addressing local challenges. The projects will be led by high-impact, locally focused schemes, and space cluster development managers, and will be rolled out across England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

The funding will be used to pilot space-enabled technology solutions to address specific local priorities, such as using Earth Observation data to improve public services, tackle water leakage and monitor coastal erosion, and help innovative engineering companies access the UK’s growing space markets. The projects will be supported by the UK Space Agency’s delivery partner, the Satellite Applications Catapult.

The funding is part of the government’s effort to support local economies and level up the UK, by linking local clusters to valuable networks of innovators and investors. The projects will showcase the strengths of the UK space sector to international investors and aim to pilot local activity that can be scaled up and rolled out nationally.

One of the projects will explore the potential for a space observatory and planetarium to be established in Snowdonia, taking advantage of the area being part of the most extensive dark skies reserve in the UK. Another project will look at how space technology can be used to tackle water leakage and monitor coastal erosion and stability in Cornwall.

The funding also includes £485,000 for STFC RAL Space’s Chilbolton Advanced Satellite Tracking Radar, in Hampshire, which is one of three national sensors that track space objects. The radar provides crucial data for satellite tracking operations, and the funding will be used to upgrade its reliability and robustness to maintain a key sovereign asset.

Michelle Donnellan, Secretary of State for the Department of Science, Innovation, and Technology, said the projects would tap into the wealth of talent found in places such as Cornwall and the East Midlands, as well as Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The funding is an excellent opportunity to showcase the UK’s space capabilities and demonstrate how they can be used to solve local challenges and create economic growth.

Dr. Paul Bate, Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency, has announced plans to establish a network of space clusters and high-impact projects to accelerate the development of a thriving space ecosystem in the UK. The agency has been working with regional authorities to understand their strengths and needs and will support the appointment of Space Cluster Managers to encourage collaboration and inward investment.

The funding will also include £1.5 million for an expert consortium of business support providers to work with entrepreneurs from all over the UK and help them get involved in the space sector. A previous collaboration between the agency and Entrepreneurial Spark generated almost £9 million in investment and created 80 new jobs for those who took part in the business support program.

Source: Gov[Dot]UK

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