Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeWorld NewsUK Government Provides £15 Million Funding Boost To Enhance Critical Minerals Supply.

UK Government Provides £15 Million Funding Boost To Enhance Critical Minerals Supply.

The UK government has announced £15 million in funding for cutting-edge research to strengthen the supply of critical materials, including rare earth elements that are vital for the production of technology such as electric vehicles, wind turbines, and smartphones. Innovate UK’s CLIMATES program, funded by this initiative, will allow researchers and businesses from all over the UK to work on rare earth.

The program will support innovations in the recycling of rare earth elements, as well as research and development, engagement with international partners, and activities to identify and support future skills needs.

The UK government aims to establish resilient and sustainable access to critical minerals to prevent UK jobs and industries from being vulnerable to market shocks and geopolitical events.

The Critical Minerals Strategy will also be refreshed to collaborate internationally, notably with the Minerals Security Partnership, International Energy Agency, International Renewable Energy Agency, G7, and G20. The government is working to ensure that the UK has a strong foothold in this growing market by supporting significant investment in relevant industries.

Source: Gov[Dot]UK

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