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HomeWorld NewsUK Holocaust Memorial And Learning Centre Receive Ministerial Direction.

UK Holocaust Memorial And Learning Centre Receive Ministerial Direction.

Permanent Secretary Sarah Healey wrote a letter to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Right Honourable Michael Gove MP, regarding continued spending on the UK Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre. In response, Mr Gove has issued a ministerial direction.

The letters concern the ongoing funding for the construction of the UK Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre, which is scheduled to be built in Victoria Tower Gardens in London. The project has been the subject of controversy and debate, with some arguing that the site should be preserved as a public park rather than used for a memorial.

Despite these objections, the project has continued to move forward, with significant funding already committed by the government. However, the letters from Ms Healey and Mr Gove highlight the need for continued spending on the project even in the absence of Royal Assent for the Holocaust Memorial Bill.

The bill, which was introduced to Parliament in 2019, seeks to establish the UK Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre as a national memorial and education centre and has been the subject of intense debate and scrutiny.

In her letter, Ms Healey argues that it is important for the project to continue moving forward, given the importance of remembering and commemorating the victims of the Holocaust. She also notes that significant progress has already been made on the project, including the selection of a winning design for the memorial and the signing of a contract for the construction work.

Mr Gove’s ministerial direction, issued in response to Ms Healey’s letter, confirms the government’s commitment to the project and directs the department to continue spending on the project as planned. The direction notes that the government remains committed to the establishment of the UK Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre as a national memorial and education centre.

While the project has faced its share of challenges and controversy, the letters from Ms Healey and Mr Gove underscore the government’s commitment to the project and the importance of remembering and commemorating the victims of the Holocaust. As construction on the memorial continues, it will be important for all involved to remain vigilant and ensure that the project is executed in a way that is respectful and appropriate.

Source: Gov[Dot]UK

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