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HomeWorld NewsUK Implements New Transgender Prisoner Policy For Safety And Inclusion.

UK Implements New Transgender Prisoner Policy For Safety And Inclusion.

The UK government has announced that it will extend its rules on housing transgender prisoners who have been convicted of violent offenses. The Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Chancellor, and Justice Secretary, Dominic Raab, announced that the new guidelines will apply regardless of whether transgender prisoners have a Gender Recognition Certificate.

Under the new policy, transgender women who have committed sexual or violent crimes, or who retain male genitalia, will not be housed in a women’s prison, unless explicitly approved at the highest level. Those currently held in the women’s estate who are assessed as low-risk will be considered for exemptions.

The government has taken this step to prioritize safety in its prisons. The policy sets out a clear and common-sense approach to the housing of transgender prisoners and ensures that transgender offenders are housed appropriately and safely.

Transgender women who retain male genitalia or have been convicted of a violent or sexual offense will no longer be held in the general women’s estate if they are sentenced to custody in the future, except in the most exceptional cases. Relaxation will be considered for those currently holding women’s assets that have been assessed as low risk.

At present, more than 90% of transgender women are housed in men’s prisons, and most do not request a move to the women’s estate. Currently, there is no requirement to place a transgender prisoner according to their preference, and the placement of individuals is solely determined by risk.
As an additional measure for the safety of women, the government has decided to take this further step.

Transgender female prisoners who cannot be held safely in a men’s prison may be incarcerated in a specialist unit. This ensures that they are housed in an environment that is safe for them and for other prisoners.

The government’s decision to extend its rules on housing transgender prisoners is a positive step toward ensuring the safety of all prisoners. By taking a common-sense approach, the government has recognized the importance of balancing the rights of transgender prisoners with the need to ensure that all prisoners are housed appropriately and safely. It is hoped that these new guidelines will help to create a safer and more inclusive prison system in the UK.

Source: Gov[Dot]UK

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