On the 25th of March Union Minister Nitin Gadkari recently paid tribute to Marathi author Vasant Purushottam Kale on his birth anniversary. Kale was a renowned writer known for his contributions to Marathi literature in the form of novels, short stories, and essays.
Gadkari praised Kale’s work and contribution to Marathi literature, saying, “Vasant Purushottam Kale’s contribution to Marathi literature is immense. His writing reflects the cultural and social ethos of Maharashtra. It is essential that the younger generation learns about his work and is inspired by it.”
Kale was born on 25 March 1932, in the village of Mangrul in Maharashtra. He went on to write several novels, including “Gulmohar,” “Sanvadini,” and “Sasar Nako Visrun Saoji.” His works were widely acclaimed and continue to be popular among Marathi readers.
Apart from being a writer, Kale was also a journalist and a social worker. He served as the editor of the Marathi magazine “Saraswati” and was actively involved in various social and cultural activities.
Gadkari’s tribute to Kale is a reminder of the importance of preserving and promoting regional literature and culture. It also highlights the need to encourage the younger generation to appreciate the works of great authors like Vasant Purushottam Kale, who have made significant contributions to their respective languages and cultures.