Sidharth Malhotra celebrated his birthday on Thursday, and his wife, actor Kiara Advani, marked the special occasion with a heartfelt tribute. Kiara shared a series of intimate and candid photos of the couple on Instagram, each capturing a cherished moment from their journey together.
Romantic Photos and Heartwarming Message
The first picture features Sidharth gazing at the clear blue sky from a car’s sunroof, exuding calm and tranquility. The second close-up captures the birthday boy in a bright yellow shirt, holding a red rose. The following snaps showcase the couple twinning in matching outfits and sharing a sweet hug, radiating love and affection.
The final photo depicts the couple riding bikes, with Sidharth planting a loving kiss on Kiara’s forehead. In her caption, Kiara expressed her emotions with a simple but meaningful message: “Happy Birthday my soulmate.”
Celebrating Love and Togetherness
Kiara’s thoughtful gesture showcases the couple’s deep bond and mutual admiration, celebrating not just Sidharth’s special day but their beautiful journey together. Fans were quick to shower the couple with love and admiration for their heartwarming display of affection.