The state government of Uttar Pradesh has initiated a 10-day special campaign aimed at ensuring the safety, dignity, and self-reliance of women in the region. Conducted by the Women and Child Protection Organization under the guidance of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the primary objective of this campaign is to empower women and enhance their well-being. Commencing on Friday, July 21, the campaign will run until July 30 and will continue to be held from the 21st to the 30th of every month. Moreover, it will complement the ongoing Mission Shakti Abhiyan, a dedicated initiative for the safety of women in the state.
Anupam Kulshrestha, Additional Director General of Police for the Women and Child Protection Organization, emphasized the significance of the campaign in facilitating women’s access to various government welfare schemes. The department’s female constables, also known as ‘Shakti Didis,’ will disseminate information about the government’s welfare programs to the women and daughters of the state. Furthermore, the campaign aims to resolve any challenges faced by women in availing the benefits of these schemes by coordinating with the relevant departments. During the 10-day initiative, ‘Shakti Didis’ will actively engage with women in their respective areas to promptly address and solve their problems.
As part of the campaign, Mahila Police Beat personnel will offer support and counseling to victims of sexual crimes, ensuring necessary assistance is provided according to their specific needs. Educational institutions, including primary, higher secondary, and intermediate schools, will also be involved in raising awareness about child crime. Special seminars conducted by experts will educate children about differentiating between good and bad touch, enhancing their understanding of personal safety. Moreover, the police personnel will establish communication with various departments to facilitate swift resolutions for the issues faced by women.
To enforce law and order, ‘Shakti Didis’ will ensure appropriate actions are taken against miscreants under the relevant sections of the Goonda Act. Additionally, urban areas will witness the organization of special camps through pink booths and outposts, catering to the problems faced by women. Local-level evaluations will be conducted to review and address women’s issues, leading to the potential establishment of one-stop solution camps at the pink booths.