Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar welcomed the dignitaries from Africa and Bharat, emphasizing the significance of their collective 1.4 billion population. He extended warm greetings from India, reinforcing the deep-rooted connections between the two regions.
The theme of ‘Creating One Future’ Resonates with India’s G20 Vision
The Vice-President connected the theme of the conclave, ‘Creating One Future,’ with India’s G20 motto of ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future.’ He called for collaborative efforts to address global challenges, particularly climate change, emphasizing the need for public participation.
India-Africa Partnership in Focus for Growth and Development
Dhankhar highlighted India’s investments and partnerships with Africa, including over $12.37 billion in infrastructure projects across 43 African countries. He stressed the potential for deeper economic integration through initiatives like the AfCFTA and India’s DFTP scheme.
Strengthening Diplomatic and Economic Ties for Global Stability
The vice president emphasized India’s commitment to Africa, citing enhanced diplomatic relations and participation in global alliances like the International Solar Alliance. He reiterated that a resurgent Africa and a rising India can catalyze global rebalancing and strengthen the Global South.