The much-awaited Telugu film Ghaati, directed by the renowned Krish Jagarlamudi, has taken the spotlight with its grand scale and star-studded cast. Anushka Shetty plays the female lead, and the film is generating considerable buzz across the industry.
Vikram Prabhu Joins the Cast
In a thrilling update, Tamil actor Vikram Prabhu has been roped in for a key role in Ghaati. His character, Desi Raju, was revealed on his birthday, heightening the excitement among fans. Krish’s ability to blend a diverse cast only adds to the intrigue surrounding Vikram’s role.
A New Dimension for Vikram Prabhu
Vikram’s inclusion in Ghaati is a refreshing twist for the film, as fans eagerly await to see how his portrayal of Desi Raju will unfold. With Krish’s reputation for crafting unique characters, expectations for Vikram’s role are soaring.
Release Date and Teaser Success
Ghaati is set to release on April 18, 2025. The recently released teaser has already garnered massive attention, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what Krish has in store for them.