The much-anticipated Bollywood film Azaad marks the debut of Rasha Thadani, daughter of Raveena Tandon, and Aaman Devgan, nephew of Ajay Devgn. Directed by Abhishek Kapoor, this emotional drama is set to release on Friday, January 17, with advance bookings now open.
Special Cinema Lovers Day Offer
To celebrate Cinema Lovers Day, tickets for Azaad will be available for just Rs 99 on its opening day. The makers shared, “Book your tickets now and immerse yourself in a saga of unbreakable friendship and loyalty.”
An Emotional Journey
Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor, Azaad explores the deep bond between humans and animals. With themes of love, loyalty, and courage, the movie promises a moving narrative brought to life with breathtaking visuals and compelling performances.
The Captivating Trailer
The trailer of Azaad has already garnered praise, featuring debutants Aaman Devgan and Rasha Thadani in promising roles. Their fresh chemistry adds charm, while Diana Penty’s role as Ajay Devgn’s love interest adds intrigue.
Star-Studded Cast
Alongside the debutants, the film stars Ajay Devgn and Diana Penty, bringing together seasoned performers and new talents for a gripping cinematic experience.
With its heartfelt story, stunning visuals, and an unbeatable offer for its opening day, Azaad is set to win hearts. Don’t miss this cinematic treat—secure your tickets now!