7 Unique and Hilarious April Fool's Day Ideas to Try This Year

Fake out your friends by sending them a bogus invitation to a ridiculous event, like a unicorn-themed dance party or a Sasquatch hunting expedition.

Trick your coworkers by putting a fake mouse or spider in their desk drawer or on their chair.

Create a fake news story about an outrageous event or celebrity scandal, and share it on social media to see who falls for it.

Replace your friend's shampoo with hair dye, or swap out their regular toothpaste with a sweet dessert-flavored one.

Put a whoopee cushion on someone's chair, or cover the bottom of their computer mouse with tape to mess with their cursor.

Write a fake love letter or confession note and leave it for your crush or significant other to find.

Set up a fake display or exhibit in your house, like a "fossil" or "alien artifact" that you found in your backyard, and see how long it takes for someone to question its authenticity.

know about April Fools' Day: Origin, Traditions, and Pranks