Advanced Security Technologies Guard G20 Summit in India


CCTV Equipped with Intrusion Alert: Enhanced security measures with CCTV systems equipped with intrusion alert capabilities were discussed to improve surveillance and security at the summit.

Smart Traffic Signals: Implementation of smart traffic signal systems was highlighted, likely aimed at optimizing traffic flow and ensuring efficient transportation during the event.

Use of Drones and Counter-Drone Systems: The utilization of drones and counter-drone technology was addressed, indicating a focus on aerial surveillance and security measures.

Zero Trust Policy for Devices: A strong emphasis on cybersecurity was evident, with the adoption of a zero-trust policy for all devices, ensuring rigorous security protocols before granting access.

No External Devices Allowed: The restriction on external devices suggests a heightened security posture, minimizing potential vulnerabilities from external sources during the summit.

Advanced Technology for Cybersecurity: Government agencies were reported to be using advanced technology and tools to prevent cyberattacks, indicating a proactive approach to safeguarding digital infrastructure.

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