Breathing Beyond: 5 Remarkable Fish Thriving Without Oxygen


Gouramis: These labyrinth fish possess a lung-like structure allowing them to breathe atmospheric air, often seen gulping at the water's surface.

Walking Catfish: Native to Southeast Asia, these fish possess both gills and specialized skin to extract oxygen from the air, enabling them to survive in water-depleted environments.

Snakehead Fish: Equipped with suprabranchial chambers, snakeheads can extract oxygen from air, allowing them to survive in oxygen-poor waters and even migrate short distances on land.

Electric Eels: Found in Amazonian waters, electric eels have evolved specialized cells for respiration in oxygen-poor environments, enabling them to surface for air.

Anabantoidei (Labyrinth Fish): This group includes bettas and paradise fish, characterized by the labyrinth organ that enables them to breathe air, making them well-suited to stagnant waters.

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