Coffee Companions: Navigating the Delicate Dance of Foods to Avoid


Spicy Foods: Spicy foods can exacerbate the effects of caffeine and lead to acid reflux or heartburn.

Citrus Fruits: Consuming citrus fruits with coffee can increase stomach acidity and cause discomfort.

Sugary Treats: Pairing coffee with sugary treats can lead to energy crashes and unhealthy blood sugar spikes.

Dairy Products: Dairy can cause digestive issues for some people when consumed with coffee. Consider dairy alternatives if needed.

High-Fat Foods: Eating high-fat foods with coffee can slow down caffeine absorption and delay its effects.

Alcohol: Combining coffee with alcohol can increase dehydration and have negative consequences.

Medications or Supplements: Some medications or supplements may interact with caffeine, so it's important to check for potential interactions.

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